Welcome to our welfare page!

Our welfare reps lead a strong and supportive network, here for every member of the JCR, no matter the concern or issue.

Click below to download the most recent welfare leaflet, published by college:

  • The Welfare Officers run Welfare Tea every Thursday at 4pm in the JCR space. Here you can help yourself to loads of free food and snacks!

  • Just after the halfway point in term, week 5 is welfare week! It’s at when students usually need it most, because of ‘fifth week blues’, a term we have for the stress which fifth week is known to bring.

    But don’t worry, welfare has your back! We organise welfairies, which are when you can send anonymous messages and sweets to other JCR members, as well as invite alpacas, bunny rabbits, and many more cute animals to the gardens of Stevens Close.

  • The following supplies are available from the Welfare Reps:

    • Condoms (regular, king-size, latex-free)

    • Dental dams

    • Lube

    • Pregnancy tests

    • Reimbursement for the morning after pill

    • Sanitary products

    • Drink covers

    • Rape alarms

      To request any of these email either Julius (julius.chua@jesus.ox.ac.uk), Ilaria (ilaria.okusaga@jesus.ox.ac.uk) or if you prefer, anonymously put a request in one of our pigeon-holes and we will leave the supplies in our pigeon-holes for collection.

      If you require anything not on this list please contact us.

      Many of these supplies are also available in the JCR toilets.

  • A Student Support collection in the Jesus College Library (section SS in the Lower Library) holds books on study skills and welfare is- sues, whether for your own use, or to help you support a friend. Borrowing is anonymous: neither staff nor students can see who has which books. Simply take the books you need from the shelves. When you have finished with them, place the books directly on the returns trolley.

  • College parenting is a system where second year students ‘adopt’ freshers when they get here! College parents will take their fresher children out to brunch, cook homemade dinner for them and answer all their questions!! This is great in making freshers feel at home early on, and in ensuring inter-year bonding.

  • In addition to our Welfare Officers, we have Peer Supporters, students who are there for you to informally talk to about anything that's on your mind. Peer Supporters are not counsellors and, where appropriate, they may encourage you to seek more formal support through college welfare, your GP or the University Counselling Service. It is important to note that peer supporters are offering an unpaid, informal supporting role on a voluntary basis. They are not trained professionals and do not offer the sort of support that you might obtain from a doctor, lawyer, Independent Financial adviser or other professional. You should consider whether you do need that sort of professional advice and if so seek it yourself. None of the Peer Supporters, Oxford University, any college or the University Counselling Service accept any legal liability for any errors or omissions in providing the peer support service. The right is reserved to refuse to provide support to any individual student or to withdraw or suspend the service at any time without notice.

  • Here are our top tips for your safety in the area:

    1. Walk home in groups or cycle; stick to main roads with lights

    2. *Avoid barracks lane (near barts), and the less well-lit portions of jericho*- walk back to stevens via woodstock and not jericho

    3. Use the lodge's welfare taxi service; the lodge's number is 01865 279700

    4. I've ordered some personal panic alarms from the SU which should arrive next week; *message me if you'd like one* and i'll pass it to you when it arrives

    5. If you have no choice but to walk home alone, call the nightline at 01865 270 270 and they'll chat to you until you reach home