Mathematics & Joint Courses


Average intake: 10

Course Length: 3/4 years

Distance to department: 12 minutes

A ruler and 3 pens laid over eachother.

Message from a Student

Hi! I’m Will and I’m a second year maths student here at Jesus. In the first year, you take 4/5 courses each term which are normally 16 lectures each. You sit 5 papers at the end of the year which are called prelims. These don’t count towards your degree- you just need to pass! In the next 2/3 years of the degree, you have pretty much complete control over what you study. I would definitely recommend having a look on the maths institute website and having a look at what courses you might be interested in (the link is The mathematicians at Jesus are all really friendly and older years are always happy to help with problem sheets if you get stuck.

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