Classics and English
Average intake: 1
Course Length: 3/4 years (4 years if you’ve never studied an ancient language before)
Distance to department: Classics, 6 mins & English, 10 mins
Message from a Student
Hola! I’m Immy and I study Classics and English (Latin). The average intake for CLENG is around 15 people a year, so very cosy! Some people will be doing Latin language only, others Greek only, and others both – so your classes & texts will vary. I love studying my course at Jesus for the most part because Jesus makes the two disciplines complement each other really well. The tutors are very organised & understanding about deadline clashes & workload which makes the joint honours a bit easier! You will have a real mix of things to do, though. For the first two terms, you’ll have weekly Latin/Greek Grammar classes & weekly English Language classes at different places around Oxford; these will be with other straight Classics & straight English students. There’ll also be CLENG specific classes with your year group. These classes are in a range of colleges & academic rooms – ask me for directions anytime & I’ll help you out! You don’t get to pick any of your papers (they’re still great though!) so you’ll do English lit 1550-1660 (paper 2) & Latin Core (reading Juvenal, Petronius, Virgil, Catullus, Cicero, Propertius or, if you do Greek, Herodotus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Homer). You’ll do both of these through all 3 terms. My advice would be to definitely translate the texts & read through them lots…it makes revising for joint honours prelims a lot better!